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Exceptional Care with You at the Center

What We Do
At Genesis Birth Services we have become experts in our field to provide you the best care possible. This includes on going study and education to keep up to date with best practices. Services are available on an on-call and appointment basis.
Pregnancy Test
The sooner you know if you are pregnant or not the sooner you can make decisions about your care. The ability to verify your pregnancy should not be a barrier to getting support you need when you need it most.
Family Planning Support
Spacing and planning is one step that can be taken in promoting womb health and improving birth and maternal outcomes.
Childbirth Education Classes
Childbirth is a major event in a persons life. Learn your options in pregnancy and childbirth. You will lean comfort techniques and how to make informed decisions about your care. Partners and supportive others are also invited to learn the best ways to offer support in pregnancy and birth. Classes can be done in one on one or group sessions.
Lactation/ Breastfeeding Support
Improving breastfeeding duration and outcomes is linked to improved health outcomes in the parent and the child. While breastfeeding is natural it is not necessarily instinctive. Lactation visits are available in office and in person to coach families in the art of breastfeeding.
Safe Sleep Education
We support the mission of Cribs for Kids® in efforts to prevent infant sleep-related deaths by educating parents and caregivers on the importance of practicing safe sleep for their babies and by providing portable cribs to families who, otherwise, cannot afford a safe place for their babies to sleep.
Pregnancy & Birth Doula
We believe that every birth should have a Doula present regardless of where or how your baby will come into the world. We are dedicated to supporting you. With a Doula there are no shift changes, you receive continuous emotional, informational, and physical support during your pregnancy and labor. During prenatal visits we take the time to get to know you, your wishes and answer any questions that you may have. We help you prepare your birth vision and support you during your pregnancy and labor to keep you informed, and comfortable. Immediately after birth, we stay with you to assist with breastfeeding and any other postpartum procedures you may have, and will stay in touch with you for two weeks to answer any questions that you have.
Regardless of an Induction, Medicated, Non Medicated, Vaginal, Cesarean, Home, Hospital or Birth Center. A Doula is important for continuous support in pregnancy Labor and Postpartum periods
Virtual Doula
Some families would like to have a Doula's support but hospital regulations limit how many persons can be present in Labor and Delivery. You don't have to choose between your loved one or your Doula. With Virtual Doula Support you get all of the same support as the in person Doula, but all support is given over the phone and over video conferencing such as Zoom, Facetime, DUO or Mahmee.
Postpartum Doula
Giving birth is a special time, however support is still necessary to help the birthing parent/mother and family adjust after the birth. Healing and bonding are very important in the coming weeks known as the postpartum period. Having a Postpartum Doula to provide physical, emotional and informational support in this sacred time, will make the transition much easier for parents of both single babies and multiples. Breastfeeding support, light laundry ,errands and nurturing meal preparation for the birthing parent/mother so you can rest and heal. We provide referrals to any needed support such as lactation consultants.
Montrice/ Birth Assistant
A doula does not perform clinical tasks. A montrice offers clinical judgement, where as a doula is not allowed too. Someone providing monitrice service is a midwife or midwife apprentice.Upon arrival of the birthing location or when pushing begins the Montrice takes on the role of the doula. This is a wonderful option for someone that would like to be monitored and labor at home, but deliver in the hospital setting. You will receive prenatal visits where vital signs are checked, listen to heart tones, palpating baby's position, and upon your request cervical checks (only at term and if requested).
Online and at our physical office location we carry items to support you in your pregnancy and postpartum. From childrens clothing,, diapers, breastpumps and supplies to herbs.
We are ready to Support You